Rental demand was high and supply was low in all areas. Rental homes were often cold, damp, and poor quality. Some houses were used for short term tourist accommodation or left empty for various reasons. Rent was unaffordable and overcrowding was a concern. Housing issues in Ruapehu District include high rent, low availability, social housing impact, and rising house prices. New houses are being built in some areas, but some worry about losing the town's charm.
Key themes
- High rental demand, low supply
- Cold, damp, poor quality homes
- Some houses for tourists or empty
- Unaffordable rent, overcrowding
- Housing issues: rent, availability, social housing, house prices
- New houses being built, town charm at risk

In this section
Until recently, housing was readily available in Kakahi. In terms of buying houses, residents felt that houses were selling quicker.
National Park
There is low availability of houses to rent and buy in National Park, A significant proportion of houses are unoccupied for most of the year and are only used as holiday homes.
Increased tourism has affected housing supply for permanent residents as a large proportion of homes are used for short term accommodation.
Prices of houses have increased markedly in the past five years and there are fewer houses on the market although the quality of housing overall was considered poor.
There is low availability of houses to rent or buy in Owhango. The quality of housing is considered good although it was noted that there are empty homes that remain unkempt.
Social housing or housing options for low income families is seen as lacking with overcrowding in winter considered a significant issue.
There are houses available are for sale in Taumarunui, but they were increasing only affordable to people moving in to Taumarunui from other areas.
The most significant area of resident housing in Waiouru belongs to the Army. Smaller areas of housing outside the Army exist but there are very few good quality houses available for renting or sale.